Using the Library
Discover activities for kids birth through 8th grade on our event calendar.
For preschool age children, you can also sign-up to receive an e-newsletter about upcoming storytimes and special events, new picture books, and other library resources that will help your child explore, learn, and thrive. Get the storytime newsletter.
Teachers at schools within Carol Stream can access resources and borrow materials from the Library by applying for a Special Borrowing Account.
All items borrowed are subject to the established library account and borrowing policies of the Carol Stream Public Library. The Authorizing Agent, on behalf of the institution, agrees to accept full responsibility for payment of fines/fees not resolved by the authorized teaching staff. The Special Borrowing Account will be issued in the names of authorized teaching staff presently employed by the school and will expire on August 31st .
At the beginning of each school year a Special Borrowing Agreement will be sent out to all Carol Stream school principals. Once they have submitted the completed form along with a list of authorized instructional staff, teachers may visit the Library to register for a special borrowing account. Teachers must present a photo ID and home address at the time of registration.
Youth Services Librarians are available to visit preschools in Carol Stream to provide storytimes to classrooms. For more information contact us by phone at 630-344-6127 or by e-mail to
Join us for Homeschool Hangouts the first Friday of every month during the school year! You can email and request to be added to our email list, where you’ll receive information about upcoming homeschool programs. Register for the next Homeschool Hangout here.

Era Books Online

Access to over 1,500 education books, exercise and learning guides created by educators to support children in building their reading, writing and comprehension skills.
Carol Stream Area Schools
Benjamin School District 25
Benjamin School District 25: Achieving Excellence, Each Student, Each Day!
Community Consolidated School District 93
Community Consolidated School District 93: Maximize the academic, social, and emotional potential of each student.
Community Unit School District 200
Community Unit School District 200: Inspiring in everyone a passion to excel.
Glenbard District 87
For students and parents of those within the Glenbard District 87 communities.
School District U-46
School District U-46: Academic Success for All.
St. Isidore Catholic School
St. Isidore Catholic School located in Bloomingdale, IL.
St. Matthew School
St. Matthew Parish School located in Glendale Heights, IL.
West Chicago Community High School
School District 94: Learning. Leading. Living.
Community Resources for Parents & Educators
211 DuPage
Access free and confidential crisis and emergency counseling, disaster assistance, food, health care and insurance assistance, stable housing and utility payment assistance, employment services, veteran services, and childcare and family services. Call 2-1-1 or visit their website.
6 Steps To Start Homeschooling
Information about how to start homeschooling from The Home School Mom.
Accelerated Reader Bookfinder
Website that allows you to search for books with Accelerated Reader quizzes with filters such as AR level, topics, and grade level.
Art Institute of Chicago Educator Admission Request
Free admission to the Art Institute of Chicago is available to current Illinois educators, including pre-K–12 teachers, teaching artists working in schools, and homeschool parents.
At Home Middleschool
At Home Middle School is dedicated to providing a free, comprehensive curriculum to support your child's educational journey.
Birth to 5 Community Coalition
Building a foundation of success for all children through community and family partnerships.
Chicago Museums: Educator and Homeschool Resource Page
Links to the admission policies for Illinois Educators and or Homeschools at various Museums in Chicago.
DuPage Early Childhood Collaborative
Connects children and families to resources and professionals.
The webpage for beginning or returning to FAFSA forms for college/university financial aid. Website also includes information on loan repayment, forgiveness, and more.
Glenbard District 87
For students and parents of those within the Glenbard District 87 communities.
Glenbard Parent Series
Free programs that empower and strengthen families, individuals and communities by sharing practical strategies to help humans of every age thrive.
Illinois Christian Home Educators
ICHE serves to network different support groups from all over Illinois for the purpose of sharing information and encouraging one another.
Illinois Field Trips for Homeschoolers
Homeschool field trip ideas from Time4Learning.
Illinois Homeschool Association
ILHSA is a statewide network of people involved in homeschooling. They are nonsectarian (not religious based).
Lexile Find a Book
Website that allows you to search for books by Lexile measure and other filter such as interest and grade level.
National Home Education Research Institute
NHERI focuses on homeschooling research, homeschool facts, homeschool fast facts, and in-depth scholarly articles.
Parents, Families, and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG) DuPage has always been dedicated to providing compassionate support, quality educational programs and strong advocacy for equal rights.
Women Infant & Children Program of DuPage (WIC)
The Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program provides nutrition education, breastfeeding support, community referrals and nutritious supplemental foods at no-cost to eligible pregnant, postpartum, or breastfeeding women, infants and children living in DuPage County.
Services for Educators
Field Trips or Visits

Schedule a visit to the Library or a Library visit to your classroom for tours and orientation, Book Talks, Story Times, and for Curriculum Nights. To schedule, please contact Youth Services at 630-344-6127 or
Teacher request form

We are happy to assist you in finding classroom and homeschool materials and resources. Submit a Teacher Request form or call us at 630-344-6127.