The Friends of the Carol Stream Public Library is a non-profit, volunteer-run organization dedicated to raising funds and volunteering to show support and love for the Library. New members are welcome!
Some of our past and ongoing contributions include:
- Provide volunteers for special library events, such as the Holiday Open House
- Sponsor Adult cooking programs
- Donate funds for specific library projects, such as 1000 Books Before Kindergarten and Career Online High School
- Maintain the fundraiser sale
General Meetings
You're welcome to drop in to one of our meetings! Meetings will be announced on the Library event calendar.
How to Join
Download a membership form or find a paper copy at the Circulation Desk of the Library, complete it, and return it with your membership fee to the Library in person or by mail.
Download Friends membership form
The address is:
Friends of the Carol Stream Public Library
616 Hiawatha Dr
Carol Stream, IL 60188
For more information, please email us at csplfriends@gmail.com.
We can accept:
- Recent Adult Fiction
- Recent bestsellers
- Children's Fiction
- Music CDs
- DVDs and Blu-Rays
- Recent Adult Non-Fiction:
- Cookbooks
- Crafts
- Gardening
- History
- Biographies
- Popular culture
- Sports
We cannot accept:
- Items damaged by water, mold, smoke, or with torn, stained, yellowed, or missing pages
- Textbooks
- Magazines
- Encyclopedias
- Condensed Readers’ Digests
- VHS tapes